Mikrolar's P8050 Hexapod Docking System.
Mikrolar Upgrades NASA's Six-Degree-of-Freedom Dynamic Test System
NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) has been building the vehicles and tools that will enable future missions to the moon and Mars, while providing real-time support to missions such as SpaceX and US EVAs. Mikrolar's P8050 Hexapod is among newer developments in robotic hardware, upgrading the payload capabilities of the system from its previous hydraulic hexapod.
Located at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX, the Six-Degree-of-Freedom Dynamic Test System (SDTS) is a real-time, six degree-of-freedom, short range motion base simulator originally designed to simulate the relative dynamics of two bodies in space mating together (i.e., docking or berthing). The SDTS has the capability to test full scale docking and berthing systems
Repositionable, stationary upper platform
Motion base is a servo-driven Stewart platform, capable of supporting a 13,800 lb (6,260 kg) max payload
Simulation is controlled by interconnected computers running real-time simulation software. The motion base can also be used for non-mating applications (e.g., docking sensors, instruments, etc.).

View of the Six Degree of Freedom Dynamic Test System at NASA JSC.

P8050 Hexapod at NASA JSC.